Presented by: The Rotary Club of Gig Harbor Midday and the Midday Charity Foundation



Do you enjoy community service and meeting great people! We welcome community volunteers at our Harbor Hounds event. Simply sign up and your will receive a list of opportunities to participate. All funds raised at Harbor Hounds go to local community projects, grants to local non-profits, support our (6) Little Food Pantries that provide 24/7 emergency food to those in need. Our projects prioritize children, families and those in most dire need. Questions? Please contact:
Thank you for your interest in Harbor Hounds! Volunteering is a great way to have fun, support the community, learn about Rotary projects and local opportunities, and meet great people! Set Up Team: Volunteers work with event team to help vendors carry their booth items from their vehicle to their booth space. Help set up, and assist as needed. Kids Activities and Games Volunteers: Volunteers assist kids with activities such as assorted crafts, face painting and temporary tattoos. Games include ring toss, pin the tail on the dog, corn hole and more. Take game tickets and give prizes bases on scores. Take Down Team: Volunteers work with event team to help vendors carry their booth items back to their vehicles and assist as needed.
Select one, or multiple Volunteer Slots:
Are you over 18?(Required)
Community Service Hours for School? (All positions count as 3 hours)(Required)
If you are volunteering for community school hours, please check here. You can bring your form to the event, or email to: Questions on the event or Community Service Hours? Please contact Jill Dabbs 253-223-8044
Please select your shirt size for your complimentary EVENT SHIRT (sizes guaranteed for for sign ups by 8/30. A limited number of shirts will be available at the event).
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